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Vasavi Educational Society, Kanigiri, Prakasam District, A.P. is a secular, non-profitable, gross root level service oriented voluntary organization
established in the year 1991 registered under societies registration Act XXI of 1860 with registration No.64/ 91 and under Foreign Contribu tion
Regulation Act 010330111 in 2000.


Typography :

Topographically the area in .which we have been working is notified as most backward and drought prone area of the state of Andhra Pradesh surrounded by Vast hillocks and barren land were healthy water and food cricess are most common areas.

Old Age Home :

Vasavi is presently running a 50 bedded capacity for destitute older people of above 65 years of age by providing free accommodation, food, clothing and medicare (for both rr.ale and female) irrespective of their caste, creed or religion ever since 1998. Vasavi joins people who are in disabled and bed ridden position. We atmost take special care in our service to the disable and bedridden people and make them comfortable. DEMENTIA : The staff of the Society are trained in Identifying the patients of "Dementia" and have been rendering methodical counseling, and treatment to the older people of over 75 years of Age by providing congenial atmosphere and getting fruitful restIts in controlling Dementia.

Generic Center :

Vasavi is running a geriatric center. Vasavi offers all sort of support and counseling to the old ages persons

Rehabilitation :

Vasavi is presently running a 50 bedded capacity for destitute older people of above 65 years of age by providing free accommodation, food, clothing and medicare (for both rr.ale and female) irrespective of their caste, creed or religion ever since 1998. Vasavi joins people who are in disabled and bed ridden position. We atmost take special care in our service to the disable and bedridden people and make them comfortable. DEMENTIA : The staff of the Society are trained in Identifying the patients of "Dementia" and have been rendering methodical counseling, and treatment to the older people of over 75 years of Age by providing congenial atmosphere and getting fruitful restIts in controlling Dementia.

Awards and Rewards :

In appreciation of our efforts and services to senior citizens, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Department for the Welfare of Disable and Senior Citizens issued a state Level a merit Certificate on International Day of Older persons on 01.10.2008.His Excellency the Honourable Governor of Tamilnadu Dr.Konijeti Rosaiah presented a prestigious award at Raj Bhavan, Chennai on 15.11.2013 to Sri.AS.Ranganayakulu, Founder president of our Society in Recognition of the meritorious our society has been rendering to destitute ·older people on the recommendations of Sri. Kalakula Naga Babu, President, Ex Chairman, Vasavi Sabha, and Sri.Kuppam, Sri. Devaki Venka teswarl u, Ex.-chainnan, Rashtra Vasavi Sevadal, who have visited our old Age home.


In appreciation of our efforts and services to senior citizens, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Department for the Welfare of Disable and Senior Citizens issued a state Level a merit Certificate on International Day of Older persons on 01.10.2008.His Excellency the Honourable Governor of Tamilnadu Dr.Konijeti Rosaiah presented a prestigious award at Raj Bhavan, Chennai on 15.11.2013 to Sri.AS.Ranganayakulu, Founder president of our Society in Recognition of the meritorious our society has been rendering to destitute ·older people on the recommendations of Sri. Kalakula Naga Babu, President, Ex Chairman, Vasavi Sabha, and Sri.Kuppam, Sri. Devaki Venka teswarl u, Ex.-chainnan, Rashtra Vasavi Sevadal, who have visited our old Age home

Health Activities:

A) Conducted medical and eye camps with the help and cooperation of the authorities and distributed free medicines.
B) Pulse polio immunization to the children.
C) Conducted awareness camps and rallies on HJV+ (AIDS) u nder "ASHA"
D) Conducted family planning programmes.
E) Conducted T.B. eradication camps and provided "DOTS" Medicines to the patients.

SHG groups:

Our organizations maintained SHG groups in Kanigiri Mandal provided them with revolving funds for their developmental activities.


The society has conducted workshops on the national policy on older persons in Andhra Pradesh covering various aspects related to Senior Citizens such as Health, Socio and Economic situation during the year. During the cours of the workshops, the society has decided to establish a Regional Resource and Training Centre for the betterment oforganized service activities of the voluntary sector.


We inspired with powerful words our beloved Prime Minister Sri. Narendramode Ji about Swachha Bharat programme and participated with our volunteers.